About Me

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WELCOME TO MY BLOG :) I'm a self-taught make-up artist with over 13 years experience currently living and working in London. Combining a life of a freelancer with working for the best make-up company MAC Cosmetics. I created this blog out of pure PASSION FOR MAKE-UP and started writing it while I was taking some time off from my travels and staying in my hometown in Slovakia and continuing it now from London, (where I settled down for now), enriched with my MAC experience. I really hope you like it. Please don't forget to subscribe and share the page with your friends that might be interested. I'm looking forward to your comments. XOXO SOPHIA

Tuesday, 14 August 2012


Ahojte, Hey guys 

(English text in blue) 

Dnesnou temou su okuliare. (Dioptricke ci len tak pre paradu ;) Ja sama som kratkozraka, takze okuliare musim nosit, hlavne ked pracujem na pocitaci (iMac), lebo jednoducho sosovkami nikdy nebudem vidiet tak ostro ako okuliarmi! Ja osobne som uz presla mnohymi rammi okuliarov a urobila som z nosenia okuliarov svoju prednost, svoj imidz. Minule som nasla fotku jednej modelky a ked som na nu rychlo pozrela az som si myslela ze som to ja, velmi sa podobame a na tej fotke je oblecena presne v mojom style a ma aj podobne okuliare ake nosim ja, hned som tuto fotku sharovala na Facebooku a vsetci moji znami mi ju hned lajkovali a pytali sa ma ci som si ista, ze to nie som ja ;) hahaha  

Today's topic are glasses (prescription or just for fun), I personally am shortsighted, so I have to wear glasses, although I do wear contacts from time to time but when working on my (iMac)  I have to use glasses, because contacts will never give you as sharp vision as glasses! I have gone through lots of different frames in my life and it sort of became my image. When I was browsing the net couple of days back I have come across a picture of a model that resembled me so much I had to look twice to see if it indeed isn't me, but it wasn't ;). I posted this pic on Facebook and the comments of my friends were saying the same thing, asking me if I'm sure it isn't me ;) She was wearing clothes that I would wear, she had a same hairdo and similar glasses.;) It was nice to see I have a doppelganger ;) 



Momentalne mam 3 pary okuliarov, ktore nosim najcastejsie. Ktore sa vam pacia najviac?

I have 3 pairs of glasses I wear the most at the moment. Check them out. Which one do you like the most? 

Prezrela som si par casopisov a webovych stranok a na nasledujucich obrazkoch si mozte pozriet okuliare, ktore sa mi najviac pacia. Co si o nich myslite? 

I checked out some websites and magazines and you can find the glasses I liked the most on the pics below. Which one is your favorite? 



Thierry Lasry Sexxxy Sunglasses

Ti Dolce & Gabbana fakt vedia co robia, ich kolecie, ci uz okuliarov alebo oblecenia a doplnkov su moje najoblubenejsie, aaaaaaach Boze David Gandy, je moja slabost ;) Slintaaaaam ;) xxx

Dolce & Gabbana "are some picky Italians" (quote from Sex and The City - Season 4 Episode 2 - The Real Me) and they sure know what their doing. All their campaigns, either for clothing or accessories, are to die for, hotta hotta hotta.... and my David Gandy (a.k.a. David Eyecandy ;) I'm drooling as I write... xxx love him! They sure know who to pick for their campaigns... 

David "Eyecandy" Gandy

Az sa vam pacil aj tento post prosim subscribnite-sa, este toho mam v rukave vela ;) 

If you like this post, please subscribe, there's more to come ;)))

Ako vzdy najdete ma na facebooku, v pripade akychkolvek otazok piste postu: 

You'll find me on Facebook as always, in case of any question please do not hesitate to write... looking forward to hearing from you.



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