About Me

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WELCOME TO MY BLOG :) I'm a self-taught make-up artist with over 13 years experience currently living and working in London. Combining a life of a freelancer with working for the best make-up company MAC Cosmetics. I created this blog out of pure PASSION FOR MAKE-UP and started writing it while I was taking some time off from my travels and staying in my hometown in Slovakia and continuing it now from London, (where I settled down for now), enriched with my MAC experience. I really hope you like it. Please don't forget to subscribe and share the page with your friends that might be interested. I'm looking forward to your comments. XOXO SOPHIA

Friday, 10 August 2012


Ahojte mili moji ;) HEY Guys, 

(English is is blue writing ;)

v tejto sezone je velkym hitom vyrazna ocna linka. Nie cierna ale FAREBNA
Chcela som sa s vami podelit o jeden trik ktory casto pouzivam na foteniach. 
Pokial nemate farebne tekute ocne linky, mozte ich nahradit ocnym tienom. AKO?
Jednoducho namocite stetec do vody a tym stetcom naberiete ocny tien, ktory potom nanesiete na viecko. Potom ked to uschne nanesiete priesvitnu tekutu ocnu linku a nechate zaschnut. Ta-daaa a trik je hotovy ;) 

A lot of designers and make-up brands started using color eyeliners this season. Black will always be inn but it gave some space for the bright ones, even red, orange and neon yellow have been seen on runways. If you're not sure you'd like them or you don't wan to invest a lot of money into color eyeliners, there's one trick I use on photo-shoots: wet eyeshadow. Put an angled brush in the water, than dab it into the eyeshadow and the liquid eyeliner is done, voila, it's that simple ;) 

M.A.C archive


alebo pod okom / or under the eye
prve dve - inspiracia, treti obrazok - moje licenie/ blue eyeliner 

Ked si lamete hlavu nad tym, ze vas tolko farebnych tienov bude stat majetok, tak si mozte kludne vydychnut a objednat si paletu 96 ocnych tienov zo stranky https://www.zoeva-shop.de/ , kde okrem paliet tienov najdete uzasne licenkove palety, ceruzky na oci, tekute ale aj gelove ocne linky a samozrejme STETCE, a kolko!!! ;) su velmi cenovo dostupne! Cena za zasielku je sice 12 € ale ked sa rozhodnete objednat s kamaratkou alebo dvoma tak sa vam ta cena pekne rozlozi. Za paletu obsahujucu 96 ocnych tienov zaplatite necelych 17 €. No nekup to!!! ;) 

If you don't have many colorful eyeshadows at home and you're worried it's gonna cost you a fortune, you can relax and order a 96 eyeshadow palette from www.zoeva-shop.de , where you can find not only eyeshadow palettes but blusher and contouring palettes, eyeliners, eye pencils, lashes and brushes, lots of them for very reasonable price. Delivery costs are not too bad: UK €11, Ireland €12. You get a palette of 96 eyeshadows for less than €17, what a bargain!!!

Za set stetcov (ktore, pokial nieste profesional vam uplne vystacia) 

zaplatite 30€
To je skvela cena za 18 stetcov, nemyslite? 

A set of 18 brushes is more than enough for a non professional, and it costs €30. It's a great price, don't you think?

Je aj slovenska stranka ZOEVY http://www.zoeva.sk/ no ceny su tam drahsie, ale za dorucenie zaplatite podstatne menej. Na strankach nemeckej ZOEVY su ale aj akcie, kde si viete kupit 2 palety za lacnejsiu cenu. https://www.zoeva-shop.de/en/sets/sets/
Je to uz na vas, z ktorej stranky vam bude sympatickejsie objednavanie ;) 

Aby ste dokazali vytvorit dokonalu linku musite trenovat, trenovat, trenovat a nebat sa experimentovat! 

To create a perfect line, you have to practice, practice, practice and experiment! 

Pre dosiahnutie dokonalej fajky pri vonkajsom kutiku oka mam jeden trik. Linku (vytvorenu mokrym tienom alebo gelovou linkou) urcite nanasajte lomenym stetcom (vid. obrazok). Zacnite od stredu oka, tahavymi pohybmi smerom ku vonkajsiemu kutiku oka, potom otocte stetec a tahajte linku z vonkajsieho kutika do stredu (vid. dalsi obrazok). Na koniec domalujte priestor od vnutorneho kutika do stredu oka. 

I will share my trick, on how create the perfect flick on the end of the eye, with you: start from the middle of the eyelid working your way to the outer corner or your eye, where you flip the brush and slide it back towards the center of the eye creating the perfect flick (see pictures below). When that's done you take your brush and put it in the inner corner of your eye and slide it towards the center. All done ;)


VNUTORNY KUTIK OKA - STRED VIECKA                                                                    VONKAJSI KUTIK OKA, FAJKA
INNER CORNER OF THE EYE - MIDDLE OF THE EYELID                                               OUTER CORNER, FLICK 
Lomeny stetec je vyborna pomocka pri nanasani liniek ale aj tienov, ktore chcete naniest co najblizsie ku mihalniciam, ktore sa tympadom zvyraznia! 
K tomuto looku sa hodia aj farebne riasenky, ktore su bezne dostupne v drogeriach, ako napriklad DM, Teta, Mariounnaud, Fann, Douglas, 101 Drogerie, atd. 

Angled brush is the best tool in putting on eyeliners and eyeshadows close to the lash-line. Another great thing that goes with this look is a colored mascara, you can get many shades in a good drugstore like Boots or Superdrug. 

Dufam ze sa vam aj dnesny prispevok pacil a tymto vam zelam super piatkovy vecer, dufam, ze mate dobry program ;) 

I hope you liked this post as well, 

Have a nice weekend all, 

Me and Indi are going for a walk ;) 


Pekny vikend vsetkym....

My s Indim ideme na prechadzku... 


Ako vzdy najdete ma na facebooku, v pripade akychkolvek otazok piste postu: 

You'll find me on Facebook as always, in case of any question please do not hesitate to write... looking forward to hearing from you.


Do citania priatelia ;)  


  1. Super prispevok!!Velmi sa mi to paci!a tiez je super ze davas linky kde sa daju veci kupit. maj sa krasne.k.
