About Me

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WELCOME TO MY BLOG :) I'm a self-taught make-up artist with over 13 years experience currently living and working in London. Combining a life of a freelancer with working for the best make-up company MAC Cosmetics. I created this blog out of pure PASSION FOR MAKE-UP and started writing it while I was taking some time off from my travels and staying in my hometown in Slovakia and continuing it now from London, (where I settled down for now), enriched with my MAC experience. I really hope you like it. Please don't forget to subscribe and share the page with your friends that might be interested. I'm looking forward to your comments. XOXO SOPHIA

Wednesday, 29 August 2012


Zajtra si takto spravim vlasy, skusala som to a za dve sekundy je to hotove. Podla mna super napad, ked neviete co s vlasmi medzi umytim. Korienky vlasov nasprejujte suchym samponom, preceste vlasy, premasirujte pokozku hlavy prstami a vyceste hore. Suchy sampon je skvela vec pre osviezenie vlasov. Odstrani mastnotu vlasov bez umyvania a tiez doda objem, jupiii! (suchy sampon zozeniete napriklad v drogerii DM, za 2-3 Eur, je to super vec! 

This is the hairstyle I'm gonna wear tomorrow, tried it out, it's ready in 2 seconds. Super easy and looks classy. Great hairdo for the day between hair washes ;) Use a bit of dry shampoo and you're sorted out! Spray the dry shampoo on the roots, massage your scalp with fingers, then brush it and pin it up. Dry shampoo absorbs all oil from your hair and it looks freshly washed. Another good thing - it gives a bit of volume! whoohooo. You can get dry shampoo in drugstores (DM, Boots, and other)

suchy sampon z Drogerie DM

Batiste dry shampoo, available in Boots and other drugstores 

XOXO Sophia 

Tuesday, 28 August 2012


Ahojte vsetci, Hey guys, 

(English is in blue italic writing)

Dnes som si pre vas pripravila typ na jednoduchy ale krasny make-up.

Potrebujete k nemu tieto veci: 
podkladovy telovy tien najlepsie matny, 
hnedy matny tien, 
ciernu kajalovu ceruzku na oci (musi byt makka, aby sa dala dobre vytienovat), 
2 stetce (vid obrazok)
umele trsy mihalnic (mozte ale nemusite ;) 

Postup je jednoduchy a obrazok to vysvetluje asi najlepsie. ;))

I hope you get inspired by this beautiful and simple look today.

You need the following things:
base matt nude eyeshadow
brown matt eyeshadow
black kohl eye pencil (make sure it's soft and easily blended) 
2 brushes (see the pic below)
cluster eyelashes (not necessary, but will emphasize the look)

I think the picture is quite self explanatory, so I won't bore you with description ;) 

XOXO Sophia 

Wednesday, 22 August 2012


Sprava pre vsetky zeny: 


Quick note for all of you my lovely ladies: 


Ahojte , Hey Guys 

(English is in blue italic writing)

tak opat som tu s dalsim prispevkom na blogu. Lamala som si hlavu, co vam mam napisat. Viacere mi pisete a pytate sa, aku kozmetiku pouzivam a co je najlepsie? Je to rozne. V mojom kufriku su rozne znacky od Avonu cez L'Oreal, YSL, ... po M.A.C. Som zastancom toho, ze aj s lacnym make-upom sa da vycarit skvely look. 
Su ale produkty, do ktorych sa oplati investovat. Su to zakladne veci ako  Primer (podkladova baza), mojim najoblubenejsim je Lancome La Base PRO (okolo 30 €), jeho jemna silikonovo-gelova textura sa prilne na plet pri nanasani, vytvori na pleti jemny film, ktory zaruci dokonale prilnutie make-upu a tympadom make-up vydrzi na tvari cely den. Neobsahuje olej, preto je vhodny aj pre mastnejsiu plet. Patri medzi drahsie primery, ale verte mi, oplati sa, make-up vam vdaka nemu vydrzi cely den a aj pri dennom pouzivani vam flasticka tohto primeru vydrzi vela mesiacov. 

Ak hladate lacnejsiu verziu, dobra volba je aj L'Oreal Paris Studio Secrets Professional Magic Perfecting Base (okolo 17 €). 
Avon tiez ponuka primer MagiX Face Perfector, ale skor ako primer je to rozjasnovat, pekne rozjasni plet a pomoze pri nanasani make-upu ale neudrzi ho dlhsie. Taktiez ma v sebe SPF faktor 20 (cena okolo 11€). 

So I'm back with another post. I was thinking a lot about what my next post should be. A few of you were asking me what brands I use and which products are the best? I have lots of different brands in my make-up kit from Avon, through L'Oreal, YSL, Lancome ... to M.A.C. ... I personally think that you can find great pieces even with cheaper brands. 
Although I think that there are some essential pieces that you should invest in. For example PRIMER. It pays off to get a good one. My personal No.1 is Lancome La Base PRO (around € 30), it's soft silicone-gel texture makes the skin instantly smooth, smoothing away fine lines imperfect pores and the result is skin that's prepped perfectly for long lasting foundation. It's also oil-free therefore good for all skin types even the oily ones. It's one of the pricier primers but trust me it's worth it! It helps the foundation stay on longer and prevents it from sinking into the pores  - creates even coverage.

If you're looking for a cheaper version of a face primer Studio Secrets Professional Magic Perfecting Base primer by L'Oreal (around € 17) is a good one too, it has a creamy - silicone texture rather than the gel one from Lancome. This one also has the attributes as the gel based one. 
Avon also has a primer: MagiX Face Perfector, although it's more like a highlighter, it preps the skin for the foundation but doesn't help to keep it on longer, but your skin looks radiant and fresh after the application (around € 11) it has an SPF 20 as well, which is handy.

Skvela vec je ocny primer, prave pre vas, ktorym sa mastia viecka a zlosti vas, ze v priebehu dna je cely vas ocny tien niekde uprostred viecka usadeny. Proti tomu sa da nieco urobit. Primer na ocne viecka. Skvely je Shadow Primer Potion od Urban Decay, nie som si vedoma toho, ze by sa predaval na Slovensku, bohuzial, ale v sieti drogerii Sephora (v Cechach) produkty tejto znacky zozeniete! Je dostat v 4 roznych farbach, zakladny je vo fialovej flasticke (vid. obrazok).
Na viecka mozte pouzit aj pletovy primer, je to na vas ci zainvestujete aj to ocneho primeru. Aby ste zamedzili rozmazaniu ocneho tiena, postupujte takto: na tvar (okolie oci) naneste vas denny krem, ked sa vstrebe aplikujte primer, potom make-up a nakoniec prepudrovat, alebo pouzit matny podkladovy tien v telovej farbe, a potom aplikujte ostatne ocnie tiene, linky aby ste vytvorili pozadovany look. 

Another great thing is an eye primer, especially for those who's eyelids get oily (sweaty) during the day and the eyeshadow ends up creasing in the crease of the eye. The best one, in my humble opinion, is Shadow Primer Potion by Urban Decay. It's great and available in 4 different colors, the basic one is in the purple tube (see pic below)
But if you don't want to buy a special primer for your eyelids, you can use the face primer (as I mentioned above). To prevent your eyeshadow from creasing, you can do the following: Apply moisturizer on the face and eye area, when the skin absorbs it apply face primer, then foundation, use powder or a base eyeshadow in a nude color (similar to your skin tone, or lighter if you want to highlight your eyes) and then use other eye shadow and eye liners to create the look you're going for.

XOXO Sophia ;) 

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

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Ahojte, Hey guys 

(English text in blue) 

Dnesnou temou su okuliare. (Dioptricke ci len tak pre paradu ;) Ja sama som kratkozraka, takze okuliare musim nosit, hlavne ked pracujem na pocitaci (iMac), lebo jednoducho sosovkami nikdy nebudem vidiet tak ostro ako okuliarmi! Ja osobne som uz presla mnohymi rammi okuliarov a urobila som z nosenia okuliarov svoju prednost, svoj imidz. Minule som nasla fotku jednej modelky a ked som na nu rychlo pozrela az som si myslela ze som to ja, velmi sa podobame a na tej fotke je oblecena presne v mojom style a ma aj podobne okuliare ake nosim ja, hned som tuto fotku sharovala na Facebooku a vsetci moji znami mi ju hned lajkovali a pytali sa ma ci som si ista, ze to nie som ja ;) hahaha  

Today's topic are glasses (prescription or just for fun), I personally am shortsighted, so I have to wear glasses, although I do wear contacts from time to time but when working on my (iMac)  I have to use glasses, because contacts will never give you as sharp vision as glasses! I have gone through lots of different frames in my life and it sort of became my image. When I was browsing the net couple of days back I have come across a picture of a model that resembled me so much I had to look twice to see if it indeed isn't me, but it wasn't ;). I posted this pic on Facebook and the comments of my friends were saying the same thing, asking me if I'm sure it isn't me ;) She was wearing clothes that I would wear, she had a same hairdo and similar glasses.;) It was nice to see I have a doppelganger ;) 



Momentalne mam 3 pary okuliarov, ktore nosim najcastejsie. Ktore sa vam pacia najviac?

I have 3 pairs of glasses I wear the most at the moment. Check them out. Which one do you like the most? 

Prezrela som si par casopisov a webovych stranok a na nasledujucich obrazkoch si mozte pozriet okuliare, ktore sa mi najviac pacia. Co si o nich myslite? 

I checked out some websites and magazines and you can find the glasses I liked the most on the pics below. Which one is your favorite? 



Thierry Lasry Sexxxy Sunglasses

Ti Dolce & Gabbana fakt vedia co robia, ich kolecie, ci uz okuliarov alebo oblecenia a doplnkov su moje najoblubenejsie, aaaaaaach Boze David Gandy, je moja slabost ;) Slintaaaaam ;) xxx

Dolce & Gabbana "are some picky Italians" (quote from Sex and The City - Season 4 Episode 2 - The Real Me) and they sure know what their doing. All their campaigns, either for clothing or accessories, are to die for, hotta hotta hotta.... and my David Gandy (a.k.a. David Eyecandy ;) I'm drooling as I write... xxx love him! They sure know who to pick for their campaigns... 

David "Eyecandy" Gandy

Az sa vam pacil aj tento post prosim subscribnite-sa, este toho mam v rukave vela ;) 

If you like this post, please subscribe, there's more to come ;)))

Ako vzdy najdete ma na facebooku, v pripade akychkolvek otazok piste postu: 

You'll find me on Facebook as always, in case of any question please do not hesitate to write... looking forward to hearing from you.



Monday, 13 August 2012

<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/3950628/?claim=abcsr8fjx42">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Friday, 10 August 2012


Ahojte mili moji ;) HEY Guys, 

(English is is blue writing ;)

v tejto sezone je velkym hitom vyrazna ocna linka. Nie cierna ale FAREBNA
Chcela som sa s vami podelit o jeden trik ktory casto pouzivam na foteniach. 
Pokial nemate farebne tekute ocne linky, mozte ich nahradit ocnym tienom. AKO?
Jednoducho namocite stetec do vody a tym stetcom naberiete ocny tien, ktory potom nanesiete na viecko. Potom ked to uschne nanesiete priesvitnu tekutu ocnu linku a nechate zaschnut. Ta-daaa a trik je hotovy ;) 

A lot of designers and make-up brands started using color eyeliners this season. Black will always be inn but it gave some space for the bright ones, even red, orange and neon yellow have been seen on runways. If you're not sure you'd like them or you don't wan to invest a lot of money into color eyeliners, there's one trick I use on photo-shoots: wet eyeshadow. Put an angled brush in the water, than dab it into the eyeshadow and the liquid eyeliner is done, voila, it's that simple ;) 

M.A.C archive


alebo pod okom / or under the eye
prve dve - inspiracia, treti obrazok - moje licenie/ blue eyeliner 

Ked si lamete hlavu nad tym, ze vas tolko farebnych tienov bude stat majetok, tak si mozte kludne vydychnut a objednat si paletu 96 ocnych tienov zo stranky https://www.zoeva-shop.de/ , kde okrem paliet tienov najdete uzasne licenkove palety, ceruzky na oci, tekute ale aj gelove ocne linky a samozrejme STETCE, a kolko!!! ;) su velmi cenovo dostupne! Cena za zasielku je sice 12 € ale ked sa rozhodnete objednat s kamaratkou alebo dvoma tak sa vam ta cena pekne rozlozi. Za paletu obsahujucu 96 ocnych tienov zaplatite necelych 17 €. No nekup to!!! ;) 

If you don't have many colorful eyeshadows at home and you're worried it's gonna cost you a fortune, you can relax and order a 96 eyeshadow palette from www.zoeva-shop.de , where you can find not only eyeshadow palettes but blusher and contouring palettes, eyeliners, eye pencils, lashes and brushes, lots of them for very reasonable price. Delivery costs are not too bad: UK €11, Ireland €12. You get a palette of 96 eyeshadows for less than €17, what a bargain!!!

Za set stetcov (ktore, pokial nieste profesional vam uplne vystacia) 

zaplatite 30€
To je skvela cena za 18 stetcov, nemyslite? 

A set of 18 brushes is more than enough for a non professional, and it costs €30. It's a great price, don't you think?

Je aj slovenska stranka ZOEVY http://www.zoeva.sk/ no ceny su tam drahsie, ale za dorucenie zaplatite podstatne menej. Na strankach nemeckej ZOEVY su ale aj akcie, kde si viete kupit 2 palety za lacnejsiu cenu. https://www.zoeva-shop.de/en/sets/sets/
Je to uz na vas, z ktorej stranky vam bude sympatickejsie objednavanie ;) 

Aby ste dokazali vytvorit dokonalu linku musite trenovat, trenovat, trenovat a nebat sa experimentovat! 

To create a perfect line, you have to practice, practice, practice and experiment! 

Pre dosiahnutie dokonalej fajky pri vonkajsom kutiku oka mam jeden trik. Linku (vytvorenu mokrym tienom alebo gelovou linkou) urcite nanasajte lomenym stetcom (vid. obrazok). Zacnite od stredu oka, tahavymi pohybmi smerom ku vonkajsiemu kutiku oka, potom otocte stetec a tahajte linku z vonkajsieho kutika do stredu (vid. dalsi obrazok). Na koniec domalujte priestor od vnutorneho kutika do stredu oka. 

I will share my trick, on how create the perfect flick on the end of the eye, with you: start from the middle of the eyelid working your way to the outer corner or your eye, where you flip the brush and slide it back towards the center of the eye creating the perfect flick (see pictures below). When that's done you take your brush and put it in the inner corner of your eye and slide it towards the center. All done ;)


VNUTORNY KUTIK OKA - STRED VIECKA                                                                    VONKAJSI KUTIK OKA, FAJKA
INNER CORNER OF THE EYE - MIDDLE OF THE EYELID                                               OUTER CORNER, FLICK 
Lomeny stetec je vyborna pomocka pri nanasani liniek ale aj tienov, ktore chcete naniest co najblizsie ku mihalniciam, ktore sa tympadom zvyraznia! 
K tomuto looku sa hodia aj farebne riasenky, ktore su bezne dostupne v drogeriach, ako napriklad DM, Teta, Mariounnaud, Fann, Douglas, 101 Drogerie, atd. 

Angled brush is the best tool in putting on eyeliners and eyeshadows close to the lash-line. Another great thing that goes with this look is a colored mascara, you can get many shades in a good drugstore like Boots or Superdrug. 

Dufam ze sa vam aj dnesny prispevok pacil a tymto vam zelam super piatkovy vecer, dufam, ze mate dobry program ;) 

I hope you liked this post as well, 

Have a nice weekend all, 

Me and Indi are going for a walk ;) 


Pekny vikend vsetkym....

My s Indim ideme na prechadzku... 


Ako vzdy najdete ma na facebooku, v pripade akychkolvek otazok piste postu: 

You'll find me on Facebook as always, in case of any question please do not hesitate to write... looking forward to hearing from you.


Do citania priatelia ;)  

Tuesday, 7 August 2012


Ahojte vsetci, Hey Guys 

(English is in blue writing) 

prepacte mi dlhsiu odmlku, ale kupila som si psika a venovala som mu vsetku svoju pozornost ;) 

No nieje rozkosny??? ;) Vola sa Indi ;) Ano, ako Indiana Jones ;) 

I'm sorry I haven't written in a while, but I got a puppy and could not detach from him at all. 

Isn't he the cutest puppy in the world??? His name is Indi, yes like Indiana Jones ;)

Ale uz spat ku vam, mili moji.....

V lete mam rada minimalne licenie, kedze je teplo plet potrebuje dychat a aj tak sa poti, a ked je na nej vela make-upu ten sa moze dostat do porov a potom vzniknu vyrazky. 
Ja podkladovy make-up skoro vobec nenosim v lete, ale ked sa ide vecer von alebo na nejake podujatie, volim radsej BB krem (Garnier, Clinique, Estee Lauder alebo Bobbi Brown, ... maju rozne odtiene a takisto je na trhu uz aj BB krem pre mastnu plet) alebo este radsej si sama namiesam svoj BB krem (1/2 make-upu + 1/2 kremu) Ked napriklad na celu tvar pouzijete mnozstvo make-upu velke v priemere ako 5 centovka tak pouzijete polovicu z tohoto mnozstva a druhu polovicu dolozite z vasho denneho kremu. 

Toto leto je velkym hitom leskla - ziariaca plet, pre to je idealne kupit si bud podkladovy krem ale make-up s ciastockami ktore odrazaju svetlo a tym sa vytvori efekt zdravym ziariacej pleti (z kremov odporuciam Nivea Natural Beauty (okolo 9€) , z make-upov je to Rimmel Wake me up (okolo 11€) 

But back to you my dear friends...

I like minimal make-up in summer, it's quite hot outside (when you're on holidays or live in a hot country ;) skin needs to breath, it's sweating anyway and with all that sweat and make-up the pores get clogged and you can get pimples, that's why lot of people have bad skin in the summer. 
I don't really use foundation in summer, but if I'm going for a party or a date I choose BB cream (Garnier, Clinique, Estee Lauder or Bobbi Brown, ... they all have different shades and there also is a version for oily skin).
If I don't have a BB cream at hand I mix up my own BB cream with 1/2 moisturizer and 1/2 foundation (by 1/2 I mean 1/2 of the amount you would use normally if you weren't mixing it up). 

Healthy glowing skin is a big hit this summer. Ideal thing to achieve this look is to buy a moisturizer or a foundation containing sun reflecting particles (Nivea Natural beauty moisturizer and Rimmel Wake me up foundation are good choices for a reasonable price) 

Mnohe z nas povazuju za nemozne kupit spravny odtien make-upu na leto a potom ked leto skonci nevyuzijeme ten tmavsi odtien vobec. Ja to robim tak, ze si kupim v obchode najtmavsi make-up aky maju a ten potom miesam s tym najsvetlejsim, a takto si mozte pocas celeho roka namiesat spravny odtien make-upu. Na jedno ale treba dat pozor. Kazda plet ma svoju specificku farbu ale su hlavne tri podtony, v ktorych sa make-upi vyrabaju a tie su RUZOVY (studeny), ZLTY PODTON (teply) a NEUTRALNY (zmiesany). Svoj podton odhadnete jednoducho:

Studeny/Ruzovy (cool) podton
- ked vas slnko opaluje do cerveno-hneda (nemyslim tym spalenie ale odtien ked sa opalenie upokoji)
- ked maju vase zily na vnutornej strane predlaktia modru az fialovu farbu

Teply/Zlty (warm) podton:
- ked vas slnko opaluje do zlto-hneda (zlatavo-hneda)
- ked maju vase zily na vnutornej strane predlaktia zelenu farbu

- je zmiesanim oboch, vacsina kozmetickych vyrobcov vyraba make-upy vo vsetkych podtoch. Hlavne M.A.C cosmetics ich ma takto rozdelen podla cisiel. N - Neutral, C- Cool and W- Warm, and the mixtures NC - Neutral Cool and NW - Neutral Warm.

Many of us have problem in choosing the right foundation for summer (or right foundation full stop ;) ), and when summer ends we don't know what to do with the rest of the dark foundation. My advice is to buy the darkest foundation at the drugstore and mix it with the lightest one, this way you can mix up the right shade for yourself all year long. But there's one thing you need to pay attention to in buying or mixing up foundation - UNDERTONE!!! There are 3 undertones  - COOL (pink), WARM (yellow) and NEUTRAL. 

It's easy to determine which undertone you are:
- when you spend time on the sun your tan is red-brown, i don't mean burn but directly after tanning your skin could be a little red and within one day it cools off to a nice deep color.
- your veins on the inside of your wrist are blue or purple
- when you spend time on the sun your tan is yellow/brown (golden-brown)
- the veins in the inside of your wrist are green
- Mixture of both. 

Many cosmetic brands make foundations in these undertones, but you need to figure out which one is which. Only few brands make the undertone clear on the packaging, M.A.C. Cosmetics is one of these companies that divide their foundations in numbers and mark them with N - Neutral, C- Cool and W- Warm, and the mixtures NC - Neutral Cool and NW - Neutral Warm.

Iste ste poculi o tom, ze spravnost odtiena treba skusat na vnutornej strane predlaktia, ale to je milne, lebo ked si prirovnate tuto cast ruky k tvari (hlavne v lete) je tam znacny rozdiel. 
NAJLEPSIE JE UROBIT CIARU 3 ROZNYCH ODTIENOV (ktore sa vam zdaju vhodne) OD SANKY DOLE PO KRKU. Tym uvidite ako bude odtiel splyvat s farbou vasho krku. Ked toto urobite vyjdite pred obchod na denne svetlo so zrkadlom v ruke a tak zistite, ktory odtien je ten vhodny! 

I'm sure you've heard different things about how to find the perfectly matching foundation, like try in on the inside of your wrist, but if you put the inside of your wrist to your face you'll see it's a lighter color (especially in summer).
The best thing to do is find 3 shades you think would match and do a line with each one of them next to each other, than go outside on daylight with a mirror and check which one matches best. 

V lete sa vam oplati investovat do kvalitnej riasenky ci uz vodeodolnej alebo takej ktoru odstranite len teplou vodou. Moja najoblubenejsia riasenka vsetkych cias je Lancome Hypnose (klasicka), ktoru dostat aj vo vodeodolnej forme. Dalej Lancome Virtuose, ktora je vynikajuca tym ze sice nieje vodeodolna ale jej vydrz je uzasna, mozte sa potit, kupat, sprchovat, vydrzi cely den! Ja ju pouzivam hlavne ked robim make-up nevestam, tie si ju velmi chvalia! (Obidve stoja okolo 26 €, ale oplatia sa = Hypnose vam vydrzi aj 8 mesiacov, Virtuose o nieco menej).
Dalsia uzasna riasenka je najnovsia novinka od MAC Cosmetics - Extended Play, (okolo 25€) ta je zmyvatelna teplou vodou, kozmetiku MAC viete kupit vo Viedni, Prahe alebo Budapesti, bohuzial na Slovensku este nieje MAC obchod, ale takisto si ich produkty mozte objednat cez internet www.maccosmetics.com

Ak hladate lacnejsie riesenie, stara dobra Rimmel 100% Waterproof sa vam oplati (okolo 6€) ak hladate este lacnejsiu riasenku tak skuste Essence Get Big Lashes (okolo 2-3€), ale tieto doporucujem pouzivat len na jednu sezonu ked zostarnu zacnu sa zmolit a budu z nich padat ciastocky :( 

It's worth to invest a bit of money into a high quality mascara, (waterproof or the one you take off with warm water). No.1 mascara for me must be Lancome Hypnose (the classic version), you can get it in waterproof version as well (around € 25) or Lancome Virtuose (€ 25), it is an award winning mascara, because even if it's not waterproof it's incredibly long-wear, stays on all day, you can even take a shower. I use it mostly on brides, when I put on fake lashes, because fake lashes are not to be used with a waterproof mascara because of the waterproof agents in the mascara can dissolve the glue and the lashes could come off. Both of these Lancome mascaras will last you for a long time, however Virtuose has bit shorter life than Hypnose. 
Another great mascara is Extended Play from M.A.C. Cosmetics, it's removable by luke warm water. I use it on brides as well. Available also in waterproof version. 
If you are looking for a cheaper mascara, the good old Rimmel 100% Waterproof is a good choice, or a cheaper version Essence Get Big Lashes, I'd recommend using them only for one season, they will start drying out and create lumps on lashes. 

Dalsim dobrym kamaratom v lete je BRONZER.
Odporucam kupit si matny bronzer, ten posoby prirodzenejsie. Ja milujem Hoola od Benefit (okolo 30€), lacnejsie riesenie je Essence Sun Club (v 2 odtienoch pre blondinky a brunety) (okolo 5€) 

Iste sa aj vam stava, ze po lete bledne tvar najskor, aby ste zjednotili tvar s dekoltom, pouzite bronzer! Na tvary sa bronzer nanasa na tie miesta, kde by vas prirodzene opalilo slnko: celo, nos, licka. Na vrchnu cast lica, v strede zas naneste rozjasnovac (odporucam Revlon Skinlights (okolo 15€), az nezozeniete v obchode urcite sa da objednat na nete, je dostupny vo viacerych odtienoch a vydrzi dlho, alebo Essence - Crystalliced, (okolo 5€ ). K tomu aby ste si tienovanie bronzerom a rozjasnovacom vedeli predstavit vam pomozu vam obrazky dole. 

Another good friend in summer is a bronzer. I would advice to use a MATTE BRONZER, it looks more natural and you can use it for face contouring as well. I absolutely swear by Hoola by Benefit (around €30), cheaper option would be Essence Sun Club (around €5), it comes in 2 shades: lighter for Blondes and darker for Brunettes, in my opinion, don't look at the hair color but your natural tan. 

After summer is gone your face is the first one to loose the tan to match the color of the neck with the face use the bronzer. To create a natural look, use it on the places where the sun would tan you first - cheekbones, sides of the nose, forehead (as shown on the images below).To create the natural glow use a highliter (I love Revlon Skinlights) .

Viecka nad ZLATO!!!

V lete milujem zlatu farbu na vieckach. 
Nova rada od L'Oreal La Couleur infailible/indefectible (okolo 9€) je skvela ma vela uzasnych odtienov a medzi nimi aj cislo 021 Sahara Treasure, ktory som si velmi oblubila, dalsie moje oblubene su 027 Goldmine a 024 Bronze Goddess nanasa sa koncekmi prstov a vydrzi cely den. Oci mozte tiez zvyraznit ciernou linkou (vodeodolnou). Mne sa osvedcila vodeodolna tekuta ocna linka od Astor - Eye Artist (okolo 7€), fakt drzi cely den! Alebo Liquid eye liner od M.A.C. Cosmetics odtien Boot Black (okolo 25€)

A pot of gold!!!

I absolute love gold colors on eyelids for summer.
The new range from L'Oreal - La Couleur Infailible is great. It has some interesting golden shades like 021 Sahara Treasure (my absolute favorite), 027 Goldmine and 024 Bronze Goddess. You apply it with your fingertips and the color lasts all day. You can further define your eyes with a waterproof liquid eyeliner, I like Eye Artist by Astor or Liquid eye liner by M.A.C. Cosmetics in Boot Black. 

Vsetko to mozeme ukoncit leskom na pery alebo cervenym ruzom podla preferencie. Opat su hitom telove lesky a ruze (ala JLo z 00' rokov), Rimmel ma na super koleciu, ktoru navrhla Kate Moss, su skvele! Taktiez su pekne lesky od Essence a su cenovo velmi vyhodne ;) 

Top it up with some nude lipgloss or lipstick, maybe even a red lipstick, according to your preference :) 
Nude colors are inn again, just like JLo in 00's. 
Rimmel has a beautiful color range in both lipsticks and lipglosses designed by Kate Moss I love all of them. 

Ako uces odporucam drdol, v drogerii si mozte kupit vlasovy donut a pomoct si s nim. Je to velmi jednoduche.

I like my hair up in the summer as I'm too warm to keep my hair down, I often go for a nice bun. You can get bun shapers in Primark or any drugstore I believe. To see how to use them see picture below. 

Moje oblubene letne looky,(posledny presne podla mojho popisu:)

My favorite summer looks, the last one is the look I wrote about on this page ;) 

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I hope you liked this post as well as the previous ones, please subscribe. If you have any questions, please write anytime. As always you'll find me on Facebook, www.facebook.com/Sophia.Brad.MakeUp 

Ja a INDI sa s vami lucime, do citania priatelia ;))

Good-bye from me and Indi and see you soon ;)