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WELCOME TO MY BLOG :) I'm a self-taught make-up artist with over 13 years experience currently living and working in London. Combining a life of a freelancer with working for the best make-up company MAC Cosmetics. I created this blog out of pure PASSION FOR MAKE-UP and started writing it while I was taking some time off from my travels and staying in my hometown in Slovakia and continuing it now from London, (where I settled down for now), enriched with my MAC experience. I really hope you like it. Please don't forget to subscribe and share the page with your friends that might be interested. I'm looking forward to your comments. XOXO SOPHIA

Tuesday, 10 July 2012


(Scroll down for ENGLISH, it's in blue writing) 

Aj ked som zacala temou pleti, rozhodla som sa rozobrat teraz aktualnu temu a tou su suche vlasy v lete. Vsetky to pozname (hlavne blondinky) je leto, chodime na kupaliska, k moru a rady sa opalujeme?! Vsak? 
No a po tej vsekej chlorovanej a slanej vode, plus uzasnemu UV ziareniu, prichadzame domov so slamou na hlave... A co s tym? Olivovy olej je skvely kamarat, nielen ze je zdravy do salatov a na rozne pokrmy ale je uzasny pre nasu pokozku a aj vlasy. Po dni na plazi nieje nic lepsie ako osvezujuca sprcha a hydratacia pokozky tela. Tu si ja najradsej doprajem vo forme olivoveho oleja, ktory nanesiem na vlhku pokozku a necham vstrebat par minut. Vasa pokozka bude jemna ako (ako by povedala moja mama) "detska prdelka" ;) Nuz ale co s vlasmi?

1. Na neumyte vlasy naneste olivovy olej - hlavne na konceky vlasov, pozor nie na korienky!!! 
2. Vlasy vypnite do culiku a obalte alobalom. 
3. Na alobal dajte uterak, nech sa drzi teplo pod alobalom, nechajte posobit 30-60 minut,
4. Dokladne umyte vlasy samponom.
5. Oplati sa nasamponovat a zmyt vlasy tak 2-3 krat,
6. Po umyti aplikujte balsam na vlasy ktory nechate posobit 2 minuty.
7. Vlasy vysuste uterakom, pokial mate cas nechajte uterak na hlave 30 minut kym nasiakne prebytocnou vodou z vasich vlasov
8. Na vlhke vlasy aplikujte nezmyvatelny kondicioner - ja pouzivam GLISS KUR Total Repair - Regeneracny expres balsam,
9. Vlasy vyfukajte fenom do sucha
10. Aplikujte serum na suche konceky, napriklad: AVON Advance Techniques serum na suche konceky vlasov
11. Vlasy vytvarujte do pozadovaneho tvaru.

V lete sa zabal z olivoveho oleja oplati robit kazdy tyzden po ostatne mesiace 

staci kazde 3 tyzdne, podla toho nakolko mate suche vlasy ;)

Even though my previous post was about skincare, I decided to write about hair care in this post ;) especially dry hair. 
Summer is tough on hair, specially blond hair. 
Sea, sun, salt, chlorine, UV light, right? We come across them on daily basis while on holidays. What to do when our hair gets dry and bristly on the end of the vacation? I have one very simple remedy and it's OLIVE OIL, ancient Greeks and Romans knew all the benefits of this wonderful oil, they didn't use it only for cooking but for skin and hair as well. 
There ain't a better thing than a refreshing shower and skin hydration after a day on the beach, for me the hydration comes in a form of olive oil. I don't dry myself immediately after shower, I just rub some olive oil on the damp skin and let it absorb for couple of minutes, then towel dry. Your skin is instantly moisturized and nourished and soft (as my mum would say) "as a baby's bum" 

But what can you do with the hair?

Try my olive oil remedy!

1. Rub some olive oil on UNWASHED hair, mostly hair ends not roots!!!

2. Tie your hair up in a bun and wrap aluminum foil on it,

3. Put a towel over the foil, it's gonna help to keep the heat which allows the oil 
   to get deeper into the structure of the hair, leave it on for 30-60 minutes, 

4. Wash it off, shampoo it up and rinse about 3x, 

5. Use a good conditioner and leave in for 3 minutes, then rinse,

6. Towel dry the hair and use a leave-in-conditioner - I use Gliss Kur Total 

7. Blow dry the hair,

8. Apply a dry ends serum, I use AVON Advance Techniques

9. All done ;) 

Na trhu su aj pripravky na vlasy ktore obsahuju UV ochranu, su ale dost drahe, vacsinou ich najdete v profesionalnych kadernictvach, nasledujuce znacky maju taketo produkty: L'Oreal Professionnel, Kerastase, Redken, Matrix a Tony&Guy

Co by som vam osobne odporucila najviac je L'Oreal Professionnel Solare Sublime sprej na slnkom namahane vlasy (8,90 €) viete ho zakupit na internete kliknite na nasledujuci link L'Oreal Solar Sublime Spray . Na tejto webovej stranke taktiez dostat celu radu L'Oreal Professionnel Solare Sublime: sampon, vlasova maska a uz spominany sprej.

 It's very important to use hair products that contain UV filters, they are quite expensive but worth it. You can find them in good hair salons or order from the internet. The following brands have products containing UV filters: L'Oreal Professionnel, Kerastase, Redken, Matrix and Tony&Guy, and if you go to Boots I'm sure you'll find more ranges there ;) 

I personally love L'Oreal Professional products, I use them all the time and their Solar Sublime range is to die for, amazing scent, OMG. The Solar Sublime range contains a shampoo, hair mask and a leave-in-conditioner.   

Prajem vam krasne leto, bezpecne opalovanie a lesknucu sa hryvu ;) Najblizsi clanok venujem letnemu liceniu ;)

Hope you're enjoying your summer wherever you are. Next blog post will be about summer make-up ;)  

Dobru noc, pekny den a do skoreho citania priatelia ;)

Good night my readers and I'll write soon, promise ;) 

Vasa Sophia 

Your Sophia 

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