(English is in blue writing)
vitajte na mojom blogu ;) Som velmi podstena, ze ste si ho rozhodli precitat a dufam, ze vas zaujme.
welcome to my blog, I'm very flattered that you decided to read it and I hope you're going to like it;)
Tento blog povodne vznikol ako anglicky blog kedze som zila dlho v Irsku. No ako pozeram na situaciu na Slovensku tak je tu velky nedostatok bloggerov, ktory sa venuju kozmetike.
I started this blog in English as I lived in Ireland for some time, but I decided to write it in two languages (English and Slovakian) because there's not that many cosmetic/fashion bloggers in Slovakia.
Ja by som vam prostrednictvom tohto blogu chcela priblizit svet mody a kozmetiky.
I'm dedicating this blog to make-up, cosmetics, fashion and things like that.
Make-upu som sa zacala venovat uz v detstve, bol to velmi razny skok od hier Barbie s kamoskami k liceniu kamosiek a zalostnym telefonatom ich matiek mojej: "ako to zas ta vasa dcera zmachlila moju";)
Mala som asi 12 rokov.
Postupom casu doslo aj mojej mamke ze sa chcem vzdelavat v tomto smere (alebo len chcela predijst tym telefonatom od matiek mojich kamaratok), vediet viac o liceni a kozmetike, tak mi kupila knizku o care make-upu, a potom nasledovali dalsie vsemozne knizky a clanky z Cosmopolitanu, ktory som uz v 13 rokoch kupovala mesacne a vzdy som skumala clanky o kozmetike a skusala na sebe rozne typy licenia.
Studovala som anatomiu pleti a vedela som aky krem sa pouziva na suchu, mastnu alebo zmiesanu plet.
Dokonca som sa chcela vyucit za kozmeticku, no okrem make-upu som nechcela vykonavat ostatne funkcie kozmeticky, tak som vystudovala Obchodnu akademiu a popri skole som zacala pracovat na foteniach s fotografom, ktory robil portfolia zacinajucim modelkam. A od tej chvile som mala pocit ze som nasla svoje povolanie, odstahovala som sa do zahranicia a popri praci som sa stale venovala make-upu az nakoniec v Irsku som si uskutocnila svoj velky sen a robila som vizaz na plny uvazok a takisto som vyucovala licenie a nechtovy design na kozmetickej skole, no cnelo sa mi za domovom tak som sa vratila a teraz vykonavam tuto pracu tu.
Make-up started fascinating me at quite an early age, it was a very sudden move from playing with Barbies with my girl-friends to doing make-up on them ;) and outraged calls from their mothers: " What the hell did your daughter "paint" on my daughters face???" I was 12 years old at that time. But it didn't stop me ;) (they weren't that angry anyway, the thing that probably bothered them is that their daughters had to walk the streets with that kind of make-up on ;)
I guess my mum realized that this is something that interests me more than Barbies, or anything else for that matter, so she bought me some books about make-up and skincare. I have discovered COSMOPOLITAN at pretty much the same time, there were wonderful pictures of models, make-up and fashion (although my mom did cut out the pages bout sex ;) they didn't interest me anyway at that age ;) ) I was buying Cosmo regularly at the age of 13, and had many books about make-up, I was testing different make-ups on myself, all the looks I saw in the magazine and I was obsessed. I was studying skin anatomy, different skin types, I knew what moisturizers each type should use, etc. I even wanted to go to cosmetology school, but I knew that besides doing make-up and things related to that I wasn't really interested in the other duties of a cosmetician, so I went to business school (smart move btw.:) During studies I started working on photo shoots with a local photographer, building my portfolio as well as the beginner models portfolios. From that moment on I knew I've found my calling. I've moved overseas got an admin job and after work I did make-up wherever I could and finally in Ireland I got to do make-up full-time. I also taught on a beauty school, everything from nails, eyebrow shaping, ... to make-up. I loved it. I was away from home for 8 years then and I was getting a bit homesick, I decided to move home to Slovakia for some time and now I'm doing make-up here, and I also started this blog ;)
Kedze mesto, z ktoreho pochadzam je pre vizazistku male tak ponukam aj ine sluzby, ako napriklad pomoc pri vybere vhodnej starostlivosti o plet a dekorativnej kozmetiky, hodiny licenia pre zaciatocnikov - ako spravne pouzivat kozmetiku, ktoru vlastnime, dalej je to manikura, a manikura s gel lakom. O vsetkych tychto veciach vam budem pravidelne pisat, teda pokusim sa tak pravidelne ako to len pojde popri mojich povinnostiach.
Vlastne som aj taka mala fanaticka do mody a vsetkeho co sa tyka kozmetiky a skraslovania tela ;) a pestovania zdraveho sebavedomia, ktore mnohym zenam na Slovensku velmi chyba.
I think I can call myself a fashion/make-up fanatic, basically anything that has to do with beauty products beauty treatments, blah blah blah. Also one thing that lot of women miss is SELF-CONFIDENCE and if God helps me I'm gonna try to help every woman I can to build a healthy self-confidence and make them realize that with a right make-up everyone can look fabulous!
Planujem tu pisat rozne rady a typy, a pisat vam o tom co napriklad pomaha mne alebo mojim kamaratkam. tak dufam, ze sa vam moje rady budu pacit a ze vam pomozu k tomu aby ste sa citili skvele vo svojej kozi a aby ste vyzerali doslova NEODOLATELNE. ;)
I want to dedicate the main content of this blog to tips and advices about what products to use, different products reviews etc. I do hope you'll find this blog helpful, and that it would help you to feel great in your own skin and look IRRESISTIBLE!!!
Az by ste chceli vidiet moju facebook stranku kliknite na tento link, a ked uz tam budete, velmi ma potesi vas LIKE ;) http://www.facebook.com/Sophia.Brad.MakeUp
I also have a Facebook page where you can see all my make-up work and other things. http://www.facebook.com/Sophia.Brad.MakeUp
Dakujem, ze ste si nasli cas na precitanie tohto uvodu do mojho blogu a prajem vam krasny slnecny den a docitania priatelia ;)
Thank you for finding time to read this blog, I hope you liked it.
Have a great day everyone.
Vasa Sophia ;)
Your Sophia ;)
Your Sophia ;)

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