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hlasim sa vam opat, tesim sa vsetkym novym LIKE-om na Facebooku a to ze sa vam pacil prvy clanok na blogu ;)
here I am again, thank you for all the new LIKEs on Facebook and I'm happy to hear that a lot of you liked my first post on the blog.
here I am again, thank you for all the new LIKEs on Facebook and I'm happy to hear that a lot of you liked my first post on the blog.
V tomto clanku by som sa chcela venovat tematike PLETI. Nechcem vas dlho zdrziavat tak sa pokusim to zhrnut v kratkosti.
Ako ste sa uz iste docitali na roznych webovych strankach, v casopisoch alebo knihach pozname
5 typov pleti: NORMALNA, SUCHA, CITLIVA, MASTNA a ZMIESANA. No a potom este mame starnucu plet, o ktoru je potrebne starat sa specialnym sposobom.
Pre kazdy typ pleti plati rovnaky trojbodovy postup pri cisteni, ale na kazdy typ pleti sa pouziva sa iny druh kozmetiky.
1. CISTENIE PLETI - zbavenie sa make-upu a necistot zachytenych na pleti pocas dna. ( cistiaci gel, mlieko, podla typu pleti - zisti na www.bioderma.sk) vyhnite sa vsak mydlu, ktore vysusa pokozku.
2. TONIZACIA - pomocou tonik alebo pletovych vod. Tonikom odstranime zvysky cistiaceho pripravku a zemedzime odumieraniu buniek. Takisto pomaha prekrveniu pokozky.
3. HYDRATACIA - pomaha pleti uchovat si vlhkost a tym aj pruznost/ elasticitu a napomaha predchadzat vraskam. Najlepsi denny krem obsahuje SPF.
In this post I'd like to talk about SKINCARE. I don't want to hold you up for a long time so I'm gonna stick to base of it.
As you might've already read in magazines, books or the internet there are 5 skin types: NORMAL, DRY, SENSITIVE, OILY AND COMBINATION SKIN. And also with age, skin changes and we have to use different skincare products.
Skin cleansing has a simple tree step rule for each skin type (but using different products):
1. CLEANSER - removing make-up, dust, dirt, basically anything that could get on your skin during the day, this step is the most important, because if you don't do it, your pores get clogged, you'll get pimples and with time it can cause premature skin aging. You can use either cleansing gel or cleansing lotion) Avoid soap as it dries your skin out.
2. TONER - is used to remove the residue of cleansing product and it helps skin cells to rejuvenate.
3. MOISTURIZER - i find moisturizer equally important as cleanser. It helps skin retain moisture and keep it's elasticity, with the right moisturizer your can prevent premature skin aging. The best moisturizers contain SPF.
Pri cisteni pleti je potrebne NEZABUDAT NA KRK A DEKOLT! Na krku, dekolte a rukach sa prejavi starnutie pokozky najskor (co myslite preco Madonna nosi cyklisticke rukavice? urcite nie len pre modu ;)
Plet sa da cistit roznymi metodami, na trhu je vela cistiacich emulzii, ktore pleti zbavia make-upu a necistot bez vysusania. Taktiez odlicovacie kremy na citlive partie okolo oci, ja osobne pouzivam emulzie, ktore po napeneni, odstrania uplne vsetok makup aj z oci, len to treba dokonale zmyt vodou. Mnohe moje kamaratky sa ma pytaju ci to nevysusa plet a ci ma nestipu oci, no nie, nevysuje to plet, ved su to produkty specialne urcene na tento ucel ;)
Taktiez si doprajte pletovy peeling pri mastnejsej pokozke raz do tyzdna pri suchej staci raz za dva tyzdne. Plet odstranenim odumretych buniek ozije a bude ziariva ;)
Ja osobne milujem kozmetiku BIODERMA www.bioderma.com/sk , ktoru odporucaju aj kozny lekari.
Na ich webovej stranke si mozte pozriet vsetky ich produkty rozdelene na rozne druhy pleti, plus je tam aj online dermatologicka poradna kde sa dozviete ovela viac o vasom type pleti. Ak si ho neviete urcit sami, tato stranka vam urcite pomoze!
It's very important to cleanse neck and the area below as well, as it is one of the places where age shows first, the second place are hands (why'd you think Madonna wears cycling gloves, I'm sure it's just a smart move to hide her age;)
You can use different products to cleanse your skin, there are many of them on the market these days: special gels, emulsions that won't dry your skin, also cream cleansers (lotions) for sensitive areas like eyes, but be aware that most of the cream cleansers have to be washed off with water, otherwise you leave quite a generous amount of make-up on the skin.
Another very important thing is a SCRUB, I would recommend to use it once a week for all skin types but using specialized scrubs for each skin type.
To test your skin type visit http://www.prokerala.com/health/beauty/skin-type-test.php it will help you determine which skin type you have so you can chose the right skincare.
I personally adore BIODERMA www.bioderma.com where you can chose from the variety of ranges designed specifically for different skin types. It also has Dermatological advice Bioderma Dermatological Advice where you can find out more about your skin type.
Az mate nejake otazky najdete ma ako vzdy na Facebooku Sophia.Brad.MakeUp, kde mi mozete napisat, pripadne mi mozete nechat koment tu na blogu a nasledovat moj blog ak sa vam paci.
As always you can find me on Facebook Sophia.Brad.MakeUp , if you have any questions please do not hesitate to write, I'll be very grateful for every new subscription or LIKE on Facebook.
Do skoreho citania priatelia ;) , Thank you for taking time to read this post ;)
Vasa Sophia , Your Sophia
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