About Me

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WELCOME TO MY BLOG :) I'm a self-taught make-up artist with over 13 years experience currently living and working in London. Combining a life of a freelancer with working for the best make-up company MAC Cosmetics. I created this blog out of pure PASSION FOR MAKE-UP and started writing it while I was taking some time off from my travels and staying in my hometown in Slovakia and continuing it now from London, (where I settled down for now), enriched with my MAC experience. I really hope you like it. Please don't forget to subscribe and share the page with your friends that might be interested. I'm looking forward to your comments. XOXO SOPHIA

Friday 7 September 2012


Huraaa Piatok, T.G.I.F. everyone!!!

(English is in blue italic writing)

Neviem ci poznate stranku PINTEREST, ale ak nie urcite sa na nu kuknite, su na nej skvele obrazky, ktore sa vam budu pacit. Mozte si vybrat zo skupin, podla toho co vas zaujima, u mna je to make-up, vlasy a nechty takze som zvolila Hair&Beauty. Vzdy ma inspiruje nejaky obrazok. Dnes ma zaujal obrazok o tom ako si opravit rozbite tiene, puder alebo licenku alebo cokolvek pudrovej konzistencie. Iste vas ide slak trafit ked vam spadne novy bronzer a rozbije sa na milion ciastociek, az mate slzy na krajicku. No je tu pomoc, potrebujete nasleducuje pomocky.

70%-ny alkohol (kupite v lekarni)
folia (celofan)
stetec na ocnu linku (alebo stetec na ruz, alebo tycinka do usi)
spachtla (bud drevena alebo kovova, vies taka akou ti doktorka pozerala do krku ;)  
pipeta (mozes zobrat taku z kvapiek do nosa ale najprv ju dobre vymyt ;) 

Ako vidite na obrazku dole postup je nasledovny. 

1. do folie zabal kompletne cely puder a spachtlou ho rozmliazdi na sypky puder
2. odstan foliu a 70%-nym alkoholom pokvapkaj puder, na velky puder budes potrebovat asi 10 kvapiek alkoholu alebo sledovat ci je ho tam dost.
3. puder by mal byt makky lahko opracovatelny nieco ako plastelina, teraz ho uhlad spachtlou aby bol vrch pudru hladky
4. zober stetec a uhlad okraje, 
5. uz staci len nechat zopar hodin odstat aby sa alkohol vyparil (pre istotu to nechaj odstat cez noc) a mas hotovy puder a akokeby sa nikdy nebol rozbil. 

Aby ste si to vedeli lepsie predstavit, je tu obrazok. 

I don't know if you guy know PINTEREST, but if you don't, check it out for sure. There are great pics there and you can choose different pins, depending on you interests. My choice is Hair&Beauty. I always get inspired by this page. For instance, I saw this picture (above) about how to fix your smashed powder (eyeshadow or any pressed powder) and I though I have to share it with you. I have to say I took this picture from this lovely website that I found through Pinterest:  thebeautydepartment.com 

Here's how to do it (courtesy of thebeautydepartment.com) 

70% alcohol (you can get it in a pharmacy, 
plastic foil wrap
synthetic eyeliner brush 
cotton ear buds (Q-tip)

  1. WRAP IT UP: Completely cover the compact with the plastic wrap and make sure it adheres tightly to contain everything.

  1. MASH IT UP: With your spatula, crush up the entire pan of shadow, not just the broken pieces. You essentially are turning the pressed powder back into loose powder.

  1. ADD ALCOHOL: Remove the wrap and add at least 10 droppers full of alcohol. You can add a few droppers full at a time to see how much you need. I used a dozen.

  1. SMOOTH IT OVER: Now you’ll feel the powder has become sponge-like and very pliable, giving you the perfect opportunity to even it out smoothly with your spatula.

  1. PERFECT THE EDGES: Use your eyeliner brush to smooth it out even further. Give it a few hours to completely dry and it’s like it never happened! To make it extra pretty, clean up the perimeter with a Q-tip.

plastic wrap, spatula, dropper, synthetic eyeliner brush, Q-tip

Dalsi produkt, ktory si viete opravit s pomocou 70% alcoholu je kremovy tien, licenka! 
Do vysuseneho alebo popraskaneho kremoveho tiena pridajte par kvapiek alkholu na ozivenie hmoty zamiesajte spachtlou, uhladte okraje a nechajte odstat kym sa alkohol nevypari. 

Another product you can save with couple of drops of alcohol is a cream eyeshadow or blusher. Put a few drops of alcohol into the cracked or dried-out cream eyeshadow, stir with spatula and smooth out the edges and give it some time until the alcohol evaporates and it as good as new! ;) 

Dalsi blog bude o tom, ako si opravit zlomeny ruz, ANO je to mozne!!! ;)))
Pekny piatok vsetkym, uzite si teply vecer ;) kym este je ;) 

The next blog will be about repairing broken lipstick, YES, it's possible!!! ;)))
Have a nice Friday evening and even better weekend ;) 


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