Mile Damy, Dear Ladies ...
(English is further down in blue italic font)
Ako pokracovanie serie blogov o suchej pleti vam dnes poviem o dalsom kroku v starostlivosti o suchu plet:
Volba spravneho kremu
Na trhu su dostupne miliony kremov pre suchu plet, suchu a citlivu plet a pre uplne dehydratovanu plet. Najznamejsi krem pouzivany uz aj nasimi babkami je klasicka Nivea, lenze Nivea obsahuje vela oleja a pokozka sa vam potom leskne ako diskogula ;) Ja som sa chcela hlavne zamerat na predstavenie takych kremov, ktore vam pokozku vyzivia dodaju hydrataciu a pomozu udrzat pokozku hydratovanu po dobu 8-14 hodin. Niekde v tomto rozmedzi si asi budete opat aplikovat krem na tvar, takze sa vam opat zvlhci a zostane hydratovana. Pokozka po takomto kreme bude ziarit zdravim, nebude vypnuta a aj make-up vam bude na pleti lepsie drzat a vyzerat prirodzenejsie.
Budem sa asi opakovat ked vam opat zdoraznujem aka skvela je kozmetika od BIODERMY ale proste je uplne skvela, aj akakolvek kozna lekarka vam to povie. Mne Biodermu predstavila prave moja kozna lekarka, velmi mila pani, ktora ako jedna z mala koznych, ktore som stretla v zivote, sa naozaj rozumie svojmu remeslu a je maximalne profesionalna ;) Ale aby to nebolo stale o Bioderme prestavim vam aj zopar kremov inych znaciek ako napriklad La Roche-Posay (skvela kozmetika) , Clarins a Dermalogica. Naschval volim kozmetiku, ktora sice nieje najlacnejsia ale je cenovo dostupna a nenechate za nu mesacny plat ;)
(Ked kliknete na mena znaciek najdete tam link, kde si mozte produkty zakupit)
This blogpost is the second part of my series dedicated to Dry Skin - care.
Today I will talk about the next step in skincare for dry skin.
Choosing the right moisturiser
You have millions and millions of products dedicated to dry skin on the market these days. Probably the best known is the good old Nivea in a blue tin can, used by our grannies I believe ;) The only thing with Nivea is that it has lots of oils in it and leaves your skin oily and shiny like a disco ball. I did a bit of a research and the products I'm about to introduce to you are meant to re-hydrate your skin, make it look dewy, fresh and healthy with a beautiful glow for anything between 8-14 hours - as you're most likely to wash your face in this time frame and apply another layer of moisturiser and the whole process begins again.
I hope I'm not getting on your nerves with constantly talking about BIODERMA, but I absolutely love their products, and any good dermatologist would tell you the same. I was introduced to it by my dermatologist who out of many I know really knows her job and loves it and is great at it and also is a fantastic person. But to talk about other brands I decided to do some more research and I found another brand (available in your pharmacies) that I will talk about a bit more and it's La Roche-Posay. And I have two more brands for you in store today - Clarins and Dermalogica. I deliberately chose products that aren't enormously pricey but are 100% recommended by dermatologists
(Each brand name has a link attached to it, just click on it and a homepage will open)
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PO Zinc - reduces redness, soothes skin ostranuje zacervenanie a upokojuje pokozku |
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PP - stimulates the natural cutaneous barrier repair process. stimuluje prirodzene reparacne procesy v mieste koznej bariery |
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Riche - rovides long-lasting hydration and restores the skin’s comfort, suppleness and radiance. Dlhotrvajuca hydratacia pokozky do hlbky. Pokozka je vlacna a ziariva. |
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Moisturises and reduces skin sensitivity Vyzivuje a ostranuje citlivost pokozky |
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Instantly moisturises, soothes heating and irritation on a dry skin. Okamzite vyzivuje, upokojuje zacervenanu a podrazdenu suchu pokozku |
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Age defying moisturiser by Clarins, great even for dry skin. Protivraskovy krem od Clarins, skvely aj pre suchu plet. |
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Antioxidant moisturizer for dry skin Antioxidacny krem pre suchu plet |
Az trpite chronicky suchou pletou po pripade sa vam tvoria supinky, odporucam zacat s "liecbou" ihned a to kupou hlbokovyzivujuceho kremu a aplikovanim dvakrat denne. Ked sa vam po iste dobe (ktora je u kazdeho individualna ale minimalne mesiac potrva kym si plet zvykne na novy produkt) plet napravi, mozte rano pouzivat lahsi krem ale na noc by ste stale mali pouzivat hlbokovyzivujuci krem.
Ak mate klasicku suchu plet (nie extremne pripady) tak najvhodnejsie je ked si kupite sadu starostlivosti o suchu plet ako som o tom pisala v predchadzajucom blogu odlicovac, pletove mlieko a vyzivny krem.
Uz tu bolo vela diskusii o tom ci sa na na noc natierat kremom alebo nie. Ak mate mastnu plet, tam to az tak potrebne nieje ale v pripade suchej pleti je to podla mna maximalne potrebne. Hlavna vec je vecer sa odlicit a namazat kremom, a k tomu este ocnym kremom, kedze sucha plet sa prejavuje predcastnym starnutim a tenkou pokozkou hlavne v okoli oci. Je vhodne zacat pouzivat ocny krem o nieco skor (kludne uz aj v 20ke) ako tie z vas, ktore mate plet zmiesanu alebo mastnu.
Dakujem vam za vasu pozornost a navstevu blogu. Posledna kapitola serie o Suchej pleti bude o podkladovom make-upe pre tento typ pleti a jeho aplikacii.
If you are one of those who suffer from chronically dry flaky or blotchy skin, I advice to start with the "treatment" as soon as possible - run to the nearest pharmacy and buy yourself a deeply nourishing hydrating moisturiser ASAP and apply it twice a day! After about a month (or longer it's individual with each person) your face will adapt to the new moisturiser and hopefully the extreme will be reduced to regular dry skin. When you have a regular dry skin start using a cleansing kit designed for dry skin (as you could read in my previous blog post) and use a lighter moisturiser under foundation and a heavier before going to bed. Make sure you buy a good eye cream as people who suffer with dry skin get wrinkles around their eyes faster than people with oily or combination skin. You should start using a light age defying eye creams from about the age of 20.
Thank you for your time and for visiting my blog. The last chapter of the Dry Skin series will be about choosing the perfect foundation and application.
till then ..... XOXO SOPHIA
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