About Me

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WELCOME TO MY BLOG :) I'm a self-taught make-up artist with over 13 years experience currently living and working in London. Combining a life of a freelancer with working for the best make-up company MAC Cosmetics. I created this blog out of pure PASSION FOR MAKE-UP and started writing it while I was taking some time off from my travels and staying in my hometown in Slovakia and continuing it now from London, (where I settled down for now), enriched with my MAC experience. I really hope you like it. Please don't forget to subscribe and share the page with your friends that might be interested. I'm looking forward to your comments. XOXO SOPHIA

Tuesday, 13 November 2012


Mile damy, Dear ladies... (English is in blue italic font)

Aj ked toto je blog o make-upe, a kedze krasa vyzaruje z vnutra, nedalo mi to dnes nenapisat par slov o tele a o tom ako vnimame same seba. 

Even though this is a blog about make-up I'm a firm believer that beauty shines from within, I couldn't help myself to write something about the body and body-awareness. About how you might perceive yourself. (English continues under the second picture)

Par zrniek mudrosti pre tie z vas, ktore mate nizke sebavedomie zo svojho tela. Tvoje telo je len schranka, ktoru si dostala do tohto zivota. To ako sa o nu staras je na tebe. To ako ho vnimas je tiez na tebe a to ako ho vnimaju ostatni je zrkadlom toho ako ho vnimas ty! Porozmyslaj nad tym.

Predstav si najoblubenejsiu cast svojho tela... Kolko komplimentov si uz na tuto cast dostala? Stavim sa ze ich bolo vela! Nemam pravdu? Dala si jej silu na to aby vynikla a zaziarila len tym, ze tuto cast svojho tela mas rada a si hrda na nu. Teraz si predstav tu najNEOBLUBENEJSIU cast tvojho tela a daj jej lasku (lebo si ju zasluzi tiez) - a touto laskou aj tejto casti tvojho tela das tu istu silu ako tej oblubenej - silu zaziarit. Maj sa rada, bud mila k sebe a prijmi svoje telo/seba samu a kazdy ta bude mat rad a prijme ta! Aby si lasku prijala musis ju aj dat - zacni sebou - MAJ SA RADA!!! 


Few words of wisdom for all of you who have body confidence issues. Your body is just a shell you get for this life. How you treat it is up to you. How you perceive it is up to you, how others perceive it is the mere reflection of your perception. Think about it. 
Imagine your most favourite body part... How many times have you been complimented on it? I bet it's been more than a good few times, right?!?!... You've given it power to shine just by loving it, being proud of it and kind to it.... Now imagine your least favourite body part and give it some love (as it deserves it too) - and with love you're giving it the same power - power to shine
LOVE YOURSELF, BE KIND TO YOURSELF AND ACCEPT YOURSELF, AND EVERYONE ELSE WILL LOVE AND ACCEPT YOU TOO. To receive love you must give love first - begin with yourself -




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